Show in Map

The Show in Map tool lets users open the Lucity Web Map to see the location of one or more assets, work orders, addresses, etc. It will either show the selected records in the Map, or the entire filterset of records in the Map.

The tool attempts to show users the best information that it can. The best approach to this varies from module to module but the following are ways that it attempts to display the record's location.

  • Select the related GIS feature in the map.
  • If a feature is not stored in GIS attempt to display the asset's address or xy coordinates if available.
  • If a feature is not stored in GIS attempt to select a parent record (Select a Building for a Room record that isn't in the map).
  • If a feature is not stored in GIS attempt to select a related or child record (Select a Sewer Pipe for a Fog Facility that isn't in the map or select a building where an equipment record resides if that equipment record isn’t in the map)

More information about the Lucity Web Map